Alkaline Water For Dummies

Alkaline Water For Dummies

If you haven’t heard about alkaline water yet, don’t be alarmed as you are not alone. While the benefits of the water have been known for years to people in …Continue reading »

Alkaline Water Ionizer Trends

Alkaline Water Ionizer Trends

It has been a year since I last wrote on this blog. I stopped writing for two reasons. The first reason was that I began helping a natural water ionizer …Continue reading »

Debunking Water Ionizer Myths

Debunking Water Ionizer Myths

I have witnessed a lot of crazy “myths” being spun about water ionizers over the years. It is difficult to identify who are the “baddest” of the bad guys when …Continue reading »

Water Ionizer Facts

Water Ionizer Facts

This article has been prompted by a reader who, like so many others that contact me, had spent a great deal of time researching water ionizers online. Every time she …Continue reading »

A New Top Dog In The Water Ionizer Industry

A New Top Dog In The Water Ionizer Industry

I have been helping a company called Vitev from Kansas, USA with their product development on an unofficial basis for free for the past 18 months. I like the company …Continue reading »

Water Is Vital To: Everything

Water Is Vital To: Everything

I was reading an interesting article this morning about how the world may be forced to become vegetarian by the year 2050. The source of the article was the Stockholm …Continue reading »

Keep Drinking When It’s Works

Keep Drinking When It’s Works

I could have given this article the title “do as I say, not as I do”. It could also be called “how could I be so stupid?”. Prior to drinking …Continue reading »

USA Study: Alkaline Water & Heartburn

USA Study: Alkaline Water & Heartburn

Dr. Jamie Kaufman M.D. author of “Dropping Acid: The Reflux Diet Cookbook and Cure”. A recent scientific study performed in the USA by Dr. Jamie Kaufman M.D. indicates that alkaline …Continue reading »

Ragweed Season: Don’t Forget Your Alkaline Water

Ragweed Season: Don’t Forget Your Alkaline Water

I have had a crazy summer in terms of blowing away my daily routines. I personally think that closing a house sale in the middle of summer should be illegal…I …Continue reading »

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