Drink Water For Better Health
Let’s start with the most simple and basic facts about the human body. 99% of all molecules in a human body are water molecules It’s true. The average adult body …Continue reading
When You Can’t Afford Madonna Water
There is a long standing rumor that Madonna spends $60,000 per month to fly in water from the Hunza Valley every month. I wonder if she would consider donating that …Continue reading
HuffPost On Molecular Hydrogen
While the mainstream media outlets have not picked upon on the hydrogen story, HuffPost has taken an active interest. The first time I found HuffPost commenting about H2 was in …Continue reading
Best Prices For Molecular Hydrogen (H2) Products
If you have never been on this site before, I started writing about drinking water in 2009. In the early days, I wrote about the many transgressions of public trust …Continue reading
Will H2 sales ever catch fire?
There is a huge amount of scientific evidence to support the fact that molecular hydrogen gas (H2) is beneficial for many human diseases. Annual sales of H2 products in Asia …Continue reading
Life Ionizers: False Claims About H2
The alkaline water ionizer industry has always had a reputation for unethical business practices and misleading the public. One would think it would be difficult to choose the worst of …Continue reading
New H2 Study On Stroke Prevention
I expect this article about the benefits of hydrogen gas in preventing strokes will be the first in a long list of “disease” specific articles where scientific studies indicate that …Continue reading
Dr. Robert Young’s Alkaline Water Claims
It has been 7 1/2 years since I first wrote this article. A lot has changed since 2010 in terms of the information about alkaline water so this is an …Continue reading
Hard Water Scale – Answers and Solutions
Hard water is not considered harmful to your health, but it can cause ugly stains from scale build up in sinks, tubs, and elsewhere if left unchecked. People notice the stains, but …Continue reading