Diabetes Prevention With H2 (Molecular Hydrogen)

Diabetes Prevention With H2 (Molecular Hydrogen)

Current statistics indicate that 86 million Americans are “prediabetic” and another 30 million have full fledged diabetes. How would you define an epidemic? Most people don’t seem overly concerned about …Continue reading »

Molecular Hydrogen Is About To Join The Conversation

Molecular Hydrogen Is About To Join The Conversation

The number of people that know about the health benefits that are created by molecular hydrogen in minimal in North America. That may be about to change. How fast? Who …Continue reading »

Hydrogen Rich Water: Why It Really Works

Hydrogen Rich Water: Why It Really Works

I haven’t blogged much for the past couple of years. The water ionizer industry didn’t create much worth talking about other than the continued growth of affordable nature water ionizers. …Continue reading »

Heal Your Body Naturally: Japanese Water Therapy

Heal Your Body Naturally: Japanese Water Therapy

I recently came across the article below from www.humansarefree.com which describes how drinking water helps heal the body naturally. The claims by the author about water being a 100% cure …Continue reading »

Pets and alkaline water

Pets and alkaline water

It is amazing to me that so many people treat their toys and power tools better than they treat their own bodies. Take cars for example. We give them the …Continue reading »

Nasa: USA faces a “Mega-Drought” Not Seen in 1,000 years

Nasa: USA faces a “Mega-Drought” Not Seen in 1,000 years

“You know Mom and Dad, green house gas emissions are bad and we should be doing something about it” “I know sweetheart, but we are lucky to live in America …Continue reading »

Water is a Nutrient: Dr. Batmanghelidj

Water is a Nutrient: Dr. Batmanghelidj

When I joined Vitev, I decided to stop posting. I didn’t feel that I could present myself as an unbiased blogger anymore. I didn’t want to join the long list …Continue reading »

Water Is Vital To: Everything

Water Is Vital To: Everything

I was reading an interesting article this morning about how the world may be forced to become vegetarian by the year 2050. The source of the article was the Stockholm …Continue reading »

Chemotherapy Doesn’t Work For Cancer

Chemotherapy Doesn’t Work For Cancer

The doctor of the future will give no medicine, but will interest his patients in the care of the human body, in diet, and in the cause and prevention of …Continue reading »

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