1/2 Price Water Ionizers For Cancer Patients
It seems like cancer is everywhere. Whether it is friends, or family, or at work, or someone famous, you just can’t seem to get away from cancer stories. And the …Continue reading
Water: The Missing Link To Health
It has become crystal clear to me during my years of researching water that there is a direct relationship between drinking water and good health. The better the water, the …Continue reading
Cure Gout With Water
I spoke to nice fellow from Canada today who contacted me to thank me for my blog. He found my blog in May of 2011 when he was searching “alkaline …Continue reading
Better Water For Less
Anyone that pursues a business or a hobby with passion is bound to learn as they go. My education in the area of water ionization has been both interesting and …Continue reading
Ionizer Pricing, Warranty, Leasing
I had a call this week from someone that informed me that Tyent USA was now leasing their machines. That seemed like good news to me because it could present …Continue reading
Prostate Cancer: Great News & 20 Suggestions
I visited my urologist again today. He smiled and said “great news”. After what I have been through in the last few weeks, I was waiting for the other shoe …Continue reading
Old Dogs & New Tricks
We all know that expression “You can’t teach an old dog new tricks”. Is it true, or just an old axiom that doesn’t stand up to scrutiny? As a person …Continue reading
What’s Wrong with People…or is it Just Me?
That’s a pretty wide open question, so I will narrow it down to health choices. I have been drinking ionized water for more than 3 years now. The water changes …Continue reading
Don’t Shoot The Messenger… Water Ionizer Industry Update
I have removed all the negative articles that I have written in the past about the water ionizer industry. Why? I think my message has been delivered and any further …Continue reading