Worried About Cancer? Watch This…Cancer is Serious Business”

I have written on a number of occasions about the success being achieved by various “renegade” Doctors and treatment protocols in regards to curing cancer.

One of the most compelling stories is that of Dr. Burzinski, who works operates out of Texas. I first learned of Burzinski’s work through Suzanne Somers book “Knockout” and have followed his work ever since.

Burzinski’s “gene targeted” work with Antineoplastins has been suppressed by the government and the “alternative crippling” FDA on behalf of the pharmaceutical industry for 14 years. However, that is about to change now that Burzinski has been able to obtain FDA approved clinical trials. Burzinski has accumulated an enormous amount of evidence to support his work over the years, and he is now in a position to finally make it “official”.

A new documentary called “Cancer is Serious Business” is now available on Vimeo for free from June 11, 2011 to June 13, 2011. You can watch the video below. You can also purchase the video online for $13.95 plus shipping or from USA Whole Foods retail stores for $20.

You may be wondering what this article has to do with water. I have spoken with one of Dr. Burzinski’s patients who commuted back and forth from California to Texas to be treated at his clinic. The patient was achieving great success. She told me about a discussion she had with the doctor where she asked him if there was anything she could be doing to help the process. Dr. Burzinski told her that the best thing she could do was to drink alkaline ionized water. When she asked Dr. Burzinski which specific product she should purchased, he indicated that he didn’t get involved in products, because he didn’t want to be seen as a promoter of any commercial product. That is when the patient contacted me about which water ionizer to purchase. I informed the caller that all water ionizers “work” and she should purchase the unit that best suited her budget and her needs.

The documentary below is one hour and forty-eight minutes long. In an era of sound bites, video clips, and instant gratification, 108 minutes may seem like forever. However, it you or a loved one has cancer, I can’t imagine a better use of two hours of your life. If you are fortunate enough to have not been touched by cancer, please keep this article in mind, because cancer will remain in everyone’s future, one way another, until our society changes its attitude about health.

The opinions expressed in this article are those of the author.

2 Responses to Worried About Cancer? Watch This…Cancer is Serious Business”

  1. Hi Rob,

    if you are further interested in this topic then i recommend you check out the documentary Cut Poison Burn. Perhaps some of the readers here would be interested as well.

    According to their facebook page, pre-orders for the DVD will be available from August.

    Info on imdb here:

    Facebook page:

    Trailer on youtube:

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