The Fluoride Lie
I have been against adding fluoride to the water supply for many years and have written about the subject a number of times. Almost from the day that I started …Continue reading
Take Responsibility For Your Drinking Water
A recent report from the Natural Resources Defense Council examined data provided by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). The data showed that more than 5,000 community water systems serving approximately …Continue reading
Hydrogen Infusion Machines (HIM’s): A Better Water Ionizer
Over the past 7 years, I have written hundreds of articles about the benefits of drinking water with a focus on alkaline water in particular. It turns out that the …Continue reading
Enagic: Team Leaders Circle The Wagons (Part 4 of 4)
This is the 4th of a 4 Part series about the New Reality being faced by Enagic (Kangen) dealers: Part 1 illuminates how Enagic’s Head Office has never let the …Continue reading
Enagic: A Closer Look At Kangen Myths (Part 3 of 4)
This is the 3rd of a 4 Part series about the New Reality being faced by Enagic (Kangen) dealers: Part 1 illuminates how Enagic’s Head Office has never let the …Continue reading
Enagic: Dealers Are Angry (Part 2 of 4)
This is the 2nd of a 4 Part series about the New Reality being faced by Enagic (Kangen) dealers: Part 1 illuminates how Enagic’s Head Office has never let the …Continue reading
Enagic: When The Truth Is Bad For Business (Part 1 Of 4)
This is the 1st of a 4 Part series about the New Reality being faced by Enagic (Kangen) dealers: Part 1 illuminates how Enagic’s Head Office has never let the …Continue reading
Alkaline Without Alkalinity
I recently read an article that offers a simple explanation of the meanings of “alkaline” and alkalinity” written by Dr. Mark Sircus. The words are often confused and misused by …Continue reading
Molecular Hydrogen Is About To Join The Conversation
The number of people that know about the health benefits that are created by molecular hydrogen in minimal in North America. That may be about to change. How fast? Who …Continue reading