Weight Loss – St. Lucia
It is true that this water is not ‘heavy’ on the stomach; I’m able to drink without difficulty. Since changing my drinking water I have also lost about 3kg, and …Continue reading
Sleep – St. Lucia
I used to wake up with a puffy face, which would take 2-3 hours to go away. I no longer have this problem. My eyes are clearer and brighter, my …Continue reading
Skin – St. Lucia
I used to wake up with a puffy face, which would take 2-3 hours to go away. I no longer have this problem. My eyes are clearer and brighter, my …Continue reading
Leukemia – Quebec
I was diagnosed with Lukemia CLL. White cell went up from 11,000 to 124,000 red cell 4.4 went down to 3.4 when I started drinking alkaline water in July 09. …Continue reading
Diabetes – Dr. Robert Young
DIABETES Dr. Robert O. Young: Television interview on Alkalinity and Diabetes. Click here for windows media player video. Prof. Kuwata Keijiroo, Doctor of Medicine: When I was serving in the …Continue reading
Doctors – Diabetes – Dr. Robert Young
DIABETES Dr. Robert O. Young: Television interview on Alkalinity and Diabetes. Click here for windows media player video. Prof. Kuwata Keijiroo, Doctor of Medicine: When I was serving in the …Continue reading
Doctors – Digestive Problems – Dr. Keizou
DIGESTIVE PROBLEMS Prof. Kogure Keizou, Kogure Clinic of Juntendo Hospital The stomach is readily upset both by diseases affecting the stomach and by other general illnesses. In addition, any nervous …Continue reading
Doctors – Allergies – Dr. Hironaga
Mr. Yamada, the head of Police Research Institute, suffered from severe allergy. He was treated repeatedly by skin specialist, but with no success. Then he started consuming ionized water. The …Continue reading
Doctors – Eczema – Dr. Tatsuji
Eczema is used to describe several varieties of skin conditions, which have a number of common features. The exact causes of eczema are not fully understood. In many cases, eczema …Continue reading