Budget Cuts Hurt Drinking Water Safety
The Environmental Protection Agency “EPA” was created to protect people from the people who abuse the land, water, and air that we breathe. The Agency also ensures that the public …Continue reading
Brown Water Safe to Drink??? Just Ask The Owner
I see reports almost every day on the internet where the President of some water supply company is claiming that the discolored/bad tasting/ foul smelling water that they are providing …Continue reading
Perchlorate, Fluoride, Chromium 6: It’s Time for a Filter
The news is full of stories these days about our drinking water. The EWG (Environmental Working Group) has been leading the charge in terms of reporting the problems with contaminants …Continue reading
Fluoride: Do we need it? Is it safe? How do we eliminate it?
Fluoride has been in the news again. The Environmental Working Group (EWG) has been lobbying the government since 2005 to reduce the legal level of fluoride in drinking water. Fluoride …Continue reading
Chromium 6 Solutions: Ion Resin Exchanges & Reverse Osmosis are the Best
I received a heads up from one of our readers this morning (thanks Cat) that CNN featured an article today on its website about the fact that the drinking water …Continue reading
Want to lose weight? Water Helps!
The following link is a link to an article and three video clips taken from CTV news in Canada. CTV is the leading national television networks in the country: http://toronto.ctv.ca/servlet/an/local/CTVNews/20100823/water-diet-100823/20100823/?hub=TorontoNewHome . The videos …Continue reading
Tap Water: Legal but Unhealthy “New York Times”
One of our readers (thanks Adam) sent me an article from the New York Times the other day. The article presents some disturbing facts about the water that we drink. The …Continue reading
A Harsh Reminder of the Importance of Filtering Your Drinking Water.
The National Post in Canada published an article today about what has happened, or more precisely, what has not happened since a deadly E.Coli outbreak in the town of Walkerton, …Continue reading
Is your drinking water safe?
I receive a lot of inquiries about source water. People are concerned about contaminants in their water. Some of the fears that I hear are unfounded, but many are real. This …Continue reading