Nearly 40% of men and 30% of women will be diagnosed with cancer at some point in their lives. Currently, 21 million Americans have cancer and nearly 2 million cases of cancer are detected each year. While survival statistics have been improving, the improvement is primarily due to early detection as the cut, burn, and poison protocols are no more effective today than they were sixty years ago.
This article highlights of published scientific studies about how molecular hydrogen gas (H2) benefits cancer patients through prevention, to fighting cancer, to minimizing the spread of cancer, its ability to work as an effective adjunct to radiation and chemotherapy treatment, and finally to improving the quality of life of patients receiving cancer treatment. One hundred percent of what you will read below is taken directly from published studies which is verified in the accompanying video.
I began learning about molecular hydrogen (H2) in 2014 under the tutelage of the brilliant young American scientist Tyler Lebaron. In 2015, I had the privilege of being included in a group that was put together to test and improve the prototype of a new “Hydrogen Water” machine. The people in the group were, and continue to be, the top dogs in the H2 industry in America.
One of the members of the aforementioned group was Tywon Hubbard. I’m deeply grateful for Tywon’s effort in compiling and highlighting the scientific studies that are featured in this article. The video below was produced by Tywon. You can visit Tywon’s website at to see many other videos that he has made on the subject of H2.
10 ways that H2 prevents and fights cancer
The following is a list of 10 specific ways that the scientific community has identified H2 as being beneficial in the prevention and treatment of cancer.
The comments for each topic are lifted from direct quotes from various studies which I have minimized to the best of my ability as it would take many hours to read the studies. The video following the list provides greater depth and detail than my list.
Here you go:
1) H2 reduces oxidative stress: Reactive Oxygen Species(ROS) are found in abundance in cancer cells. ROS create oxidative stress which is well known to be a cause of a wide range of diseases including cancer. ROS are involved in both the initiation and progression of cancer. ROS causes oxidative DNA and protein damage, as well as damage to tumor suppressor genes. Studies show that H2 enriched water is a “potent antioxidant and exhibits anti-inflammatory and potentially anticancer-like activities”. (discussion starts at 3:34 in the video below)
2) H2 protects DNA: Oxidative stress damages cellular DNA which leads to mutations. ROS cause oxidative DNA and protein damage as well as damage to tumor suppressor genes. Unlike other antioxidants which are larger, the tiny size of H2 molecules allows them to penetrate biomembranes and diffuse into the mitochondria and nuclei thereby protecting the nuclear DNA and mitochondria (discussion starts at 6:12 in the video below)
3) H2 suppresses genetic mutations: Somatic mutations are genetic alterations that affect all of the cells that descend from mutated cells. These mutations are often caused by environment factors such as ultraviolet radiation exposure and chemicals. The mutations give rise to various diseases including cancer. H2 has a beneficial effect on cancer development by suppressing mutations (discussion starts at 8:28 in the video below)
4) H2 suppresses cancer cell growth H2 suppresses angiogenesis (the development of blood vessels)in tumors. By suppressing angiogenesis, H2 denies the tumour the ability to feed and grow. H2 inhibits tumor growth by reducing oxidation products. H2 inhibits massive cancer cell growth indicative of early stage cancer. H2 scavenges ROS maintaining antioxidative potential both inside and outside cells inhibiting cancer growth. Studies indicate that while H2 inhibits cancer cell growth, it does not inhibit health cell growth (discussion starts at 9:02)
5) H2 induces cancer cell death Apoptosis (natural or programmed cell death) is a natural part of the life cycle of cells. Apoptosis is preferred to necrosis, which is the unnatural death of cells typically induced by infection, toxins, and trauma which can lead to tumor growth. Studies show that H2 water induces cancer cell apoptosis thereby enhancing anticancer activity. Studies also show that H2 water induces apoptosis in human leukemia cells and affected neurons, but H2 doesn’t increase cell death in healthy cells (discussion starts at 11:48)
6) H2 suppresses the spread of cancer Metastasis is term to describe the ability of cells to invade tissue and establish secondary tumors in remote sites, and is the main cause of cancer related death in humans. ROS are involved in metastatic processes including invasion of cancer cells into the surrounding primary tumor sites. Studies show that H2 water may be a therapeutic agent in cancer prevention and metastasis through its anti-ROS effects. MMP’s (Matrix Metalloproteinase) are proteins that facilitate biological reactions. Studies note that MMP’s are up-regulated in the course of various malignancies of the breast, colon, pancreas, and liver. MMP’s are viewed as tumor markers and have found to be predictive in metastasis in breast cancer patients. Increased expression of MMP in a primary breast tumor is associated with aggressive disease and unfavorable outcomes. Studies show that H2 water down-regulates the gene expression of MMP’s (discussion starts at 14:16)
7) H2 helps anti-cancer drugs Anti-tumor agents are typically cytotoxic drugs that damage healthy tissue and organs while targeting cancer cells. For example, one study showed that 40% of patients receiving chemotherapy agents suffered liver damage. Increased levels of ROS play a role in the side effects. A highly respected review paper states: “Hydrogen has emerged as a promising cancer remedy as a preventative agent or in combined therapy with anticancer drugs. Hydrogen water consumption might mitigate the side effects of anticancer drugs by decreasing oxidative stress and ameliorating metamorphisis due to decreased apoptosis (in healthy cells)”. Another study states: “Due to its safety, efficacy, and convenience, hydrogen-rich saline should be considered as a potential therapy for heart and liver injury caused by doxorubicin (a chemotherapy drug). In the study, H2 did not impair the anti-tumor effect of the drug (discussion starts at 15:55)
8) H2 protects from radiation therapy : Nearly half of newly diagnosed cancer patients receive radiotherapy. While radiotherapy destroys malignant cells, it also affects normal surrounding cells. Acute radiotherapy side effects include: fatigue, nausea, diarrhea, dry mouth, loss of appetite, hair loss, sore skin, and depression. The side effects are associated with increased oxidative stress and inflammation due to the generation of ROS during radiotherapy. The success of radiotherapy is limited by the toxicity of healthy cells in surrounding tissue. In fact, radiation itself can induce many types of cancer, especially leukemia and lymphoma. An animal study found that H2 protected mice from radiation induced thymic lymphoma. Another animal study showed that H2 reduced radiation induced lung damage in mice in the early stage cancer and lung fibrosis in later stage cancer. Yet another animal study showed that H2 protected the gastrointestinal tract of mice from radiation. A review paper stated that: “our findings suggested that hydrogen rich water may be used as a potential therapeutic to alleviate intestinal injury induced by radiotherapy for abdominal and pelvic cancer in preclinical settings”. Radiotherapy adversely affects 95% of patients and a study found that hydrogen significantly reduced the severity of dermatitis caused by radiation. Another study indicates that H2 helps the immune system placed under duress by radiotherapy (discussion starts at 18:11)
9) H2 improves the QOL “quality of life” for radiation and chemotherapy patients: Cancer patients receiving chemotherapy or radiotherapy or a combination of both often experience varying degrees of QOL. Studies show that QOL scores during radiotherapy were significantly improved in patients treated with hydrogen rich water. Other studies indicate that “oral administration of hydrogen rich water may reduce organ toxicity induced by chemotherapy, improve QOL, and decelerate weight loss without affecting the effectiveness of chemotherapy (discussion starts at 20:56)
10) H2 increases survival rates of cancer patients The first hydrogen study that captured the interest of the scientific community was published in 2007. As such, studies on the effects of survival rates are limited to animal studies at this time. A study shows that H2 water improved the survival of mice with colon cancer who were being tested for chemotherapy. Another study showed the increased survival rates of mice receiving H2 30 weeks after receiving radiation. Another study shows that survival rate and weight loss in mice was improved after receiving chemotherapy when the mice received H2. Another study concluded that H2 is “safe, easy to administer, and cost effective, protects against radiation induced death”. Long term human studies needed to be completed to verify the findings of the improved survival rates of mice after receiving H2, but the animal studies provide grounds for considerable optimism about the therapeutic benefits of H2 (discussion starts at 22:38).
If you have cancer, or love someone that does, or even if your family is predisposed to cancer, I strongly recommend drinking hydrogen enriched water. At the very least, please continue to learn about learn about the benefits of ingesting molecular hydrogen for cancer and many other diseases.
The following video illustrates the source of the research documents mentioned above.