Sang Whang is a well respected engineer, scientist, and inventor. He is best known for writing the best selling book “Reverse Aging”. Mr. Whang is a Korean American scientist who has been studying alternative medicine for many years. He is a leading advocate of the importance of drinking alkaline water. He uses his chemistry background to help explain the physiological changes that take place in the stomach and blood when acid or alkaline drinks are consumed. While he focuses his research and writings on alkaline drinks, the same principles apply to an alkaline diet.
Mr. Whang’s article simple titled “Cancer” can be found on his blog at: The primary message from Mr. Whang’s article is that when we drink alkaline water with it high pH, the cells in the stomach wall will produce hydrochloric acid to bring the pH of the stomach back down to its natural level. When the hydrochloric acid is being created, an alkaline buffer in the form of a bicarbonate is released into the blood stream. It is the bicarbonate that helps our body become alkaline. If we drink acidic beverages such as soda, the cells in the stomach walls don’t need to produce hydrochloric acid which in turn means that the alkaline bicarbonates are not produced.
Mr. Whang discusses how the cancer research people are missing the fact that cancer is caused by having too much acid in your system. He explains that cancer cells are acidic and healthy cells are alkaline and that cancer cells can’t survive in an alkaline environment. Does this sound familiar to you? I hope so, or you haven’t been paying attention!
Mr. Whang talks about the fact that if a cancerous tumour is removed, and the body becomes alkaline, the tumour doesn’t recur, but if the body remains acidic, the tumour will come back.
I will quote directly from Mr. Whang for the next part as he gets into the chemistry of alkaline and acidic buffers in the blood:
“To keep the environment alkaline one must have more alkaline buffer in the blood rather than an acid buffer.
“The acid buffer is H2CO3 (carbonic acid) which is water (H2O) and carbon dioxide (CO2). This acid buffer is abundantly available as the natural result of burning carbohydrate.”
Mr. Whang goes on to explain:
“The alkaline buffer is HCO3- (bicarbonate) which is not naturally available. The stomach produces alkaline buffer when it produces hydrochloric acid (HCl). When we drink alkaline water, the stomach produces hydrochloric acid (HCl) to bring down the stomach pH to the original low value. If we drink acidic drinks such as cola or diet cola, the stomach pH goes down (more acidic) and the stomach does not produce hydrochloric acid; therefore, the blood is deprived of alkaline buffer.”
Mr. Whang concludes that drinking cola is the worst thing we can do to our bodies and that he predicts that cancer rate will drop when we stop drinking carbonated drinks.
I couldn’t have said it any better, which is why it has been my pleasure to bring his article to your attention.
The opinions in this article are those of the author and the quoted sources, and are not meant to offered as medical advice.
- Tags: Cancer, hydrochloric acid, Sang Whang
Mr Whang,
My back ground: Electrical engineer 45 yrs, studied alternative medicines for many years, moved to more of a vegetarian diet (nuts, fruits.some cold water fish, chicken) and suspected for some time that a high ph has a better health potential than a low ph. I’m 84, have had health problems, normal BP and pulse rate, have a pace maker. Have had some cancer problems which did not recur. Made a connection to the diet and also to a high Ph but with no confirmation until your article came along during a search. Recently had some dental work and was encouraged by my dentist to brush with a flouride gel which I did, then I changed to sodium bicarb powder. Not only for brushing but for rinsing several times a day and not rinsing with water. Mouth has a clean feel, no bad breath and I wondered about body ph and health. I suspected that an alkaline environment is connected to health. No adequate answer from everyone I queried. Being on a mostly vegetarian diet for many years, I believe has contributed to more of an alkaline body environment and thus a more healthy environment. Is it correct that as one goes through the normal daily activities, that the body Ph would become lower and thus more prone to illness? Now if we could get the health clinics (Mayo, Harvard, Cincinnati etc) to confirm the health benefits of a higher Ph, perhaps it would add emphasis on how to improve our health.. But where do I read about it first? From an inquisitive engineer by the name of Whang! Thank You!! I will look for more of your material!! Sam Zanin
Hi Sam:
Sang Whang was a pioneer. The world of alternative medicine is in a better place because of his efforts. His passing is a loss to many.
I think the current pioneer is Dr. Hidemitsu Hayashi. I encourage anyone that is interested in learning about personal health to research the work of this brilliant man.
I am so sorry to hear of Mr. Sang Whang’s passing! he was an extraordinary man, not just very creative in the alternative medicine model, but also very understanding, gentle, and generally easy to communicate with. I will miss him very much.
Who will inherit his business now and continue dealing with us, his customers? I still carry some of his books and the AlkaLife Alkaline Booster, which has helped me and many of my patients. But I am running low and would like to order some more.
Thank you very much.
God bless you, and God bless Mr.Whang and his wife, that they may rest in peace.
Dr. Gita Elgin
Hi! I would like to know why adding acids like that from lemon juice/apple cider vinegar is said to have alkalising effects on the body while the common soft drink is acidifying. Can you help?
Hi Anna-Maria:
Good question….I would like to know the simple answer as well. The publications say that lemons and apple cider vinegar produce an alkaline ash when processed by the body.
Here is what the LIVE STRONG website has to say: “Lemon Juice
Lemons have a low, highly acidic pH, which is attributable to their citric acid content. The acidity of a fresh lemon can vary between 2.2 and 2.4 on the pH scale, depending on the fruit’s state of ripeness. Canned, unsweetened lemon juice has a consistent pH of 2.3. Compared to lemons, limes are slightly more acidic, oranges and grapefruit are slightly less acidic and cranberries are approximately as acidic. The pH nature of lemons changes during the body’s metabolic process, however, and they become highly alkaline-forming. Adding just 1 tbsp. of fresh lemon juice to a glass of water is an easy way to give your body a boost of alkalinity.
Limes are as equally alkaline-forming as lemons, so adding fresh lime juice to a glass of water has the same effect. Likewise, oranges, grapefruit and other citrus fruits such are also alkalizing. Oranges and grapefruit are moderately alkaline-forming, while tangerines and mandarin oranges are highly alkalizing. To promote a healthy acid-alkaline balance in your body, opt for a slice of fresh lemon, lime or other citrus fruit in your water rather than a glass of lemonade or other sweetened fruit juice. Because refined sugar is highly acid-forming, lemonade and other fruit juices that contain added sugar are acid-forming in the body.
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