Drink Water For Better Health

Let’s start with the most simple and basic facts about the human body.

99% of all molecules in a human body are water molecules 

It’s true.

The average adult body is made up of 60% to 70% water, but that actual number of water molecules is approximately 99% of all molecules.  The difference in the two numbers can be explained by the fact that water molecules are tiny compared to other molecules in your body.

the Journal of Biological Chemistry 158, tells us that by mass, the brain and heart are composed of 73% water, lungs 83% water, skin 64% water, muscles and kidneys  79% water,  and even the bones are made up of 31% water.  Water plays a significant role in every function of your body.

Water is the key to performing well both mentally and physically.  Scientific studies indicate that being as little as 2% hydrated can drop your mental capacity by 10% to 15%.

The best health tip you will ever receive is to stay hydrated with clean, healthy water.  No other liquids need apply.

How much water should you drink?

According to the USGS (US Geological Survey’s Water Source School), an adult male needs about 3 liters per day while an adult female needs about 2.2 liters per day to replace the liquids that are displaced from the body every day.  That doesn’t mean that you need to drink that much water each day as water is supplied by food and other drinks.  However, conventional wisdom (whatever that means) is that the average women (once again, whatever that means) should drink about 9 glasses of water each day while men should drink about 12 glasses of water per day.   That is a lot of water, so you may want to spend some time trying to figure out the best water to drink.

Setting aside averages, you should drink more water if you are a larger person, or if you live in a hot climate, or live at high elevations, or if you sweat a lot from work or exercise. Studies suggest you should drink about one liter/quart for each hour that you exercise.  Skip the Gatorade as there are far more healthy alternatives to replacing electrolytes and calories burned during training.

If you want to lose weight, consuming more water.  Seriously.  Your brain doesn’t differentiate the signals it receives from being hungry or thirsty and those late night cravings are likely happening because your body is thirsty.

Of course, you can drink other liquids, but my question to you is: “why. would you when water is the perfect drink”. Creatures in nature only drink water they seem to do just fine with water.

A few things that will hopefully appeal to your natural sensibilities:

1) Water is not getting cleaner or healthier, so you might want to start thinking about looking for ways to improve your tap water because governments are not going to come to the rescue due to never ending budgetary restraints.

2) Advertisers are smart.  They prey upon your fear, vanity, weaknesses, and on anything else they can think of to convince you to buy their products.  Think about what your body really needs before dishing out money to buy products

3) Clean and healthy drinking water should be inexpensive as we are surrounded by water and it doesn’t cost much to make it clean and healthy.

Water can be too clean for your health

Clean water doesn’t mean healthy water. Reverse Osmosis systems designed to essentially purify water thereby making the water clean, also remove alkali metals such as Calcium, Magnesium, Potassium, and Sodium.  They also don’t produce hydrogen gas (H2) which may be the most important missing ingredient from healthy water.  Unless you live in an area that has unsafe drinking water, don’t use a RO system.  If you do have to use a RO system, remineralize your water after it passes through the holding tank of your RO system, or take some form of Cal/Mag supplement like everyone that sells RO systems for a living.  Understand that drinking RO water over long periods of time without remineralizing will harm your health.

Final Thoughts

  1. Drink lots of water.   In fact, there is no reason to drink any other liquid.
  2. Consuming at least as much water as your body burns off each day is critical to your health and you should never be underestimate its importance. The fact is that most people don’t drink enough water and it ages them more than they will ever know.
  3. Clean and healthy water that is rich in hydrogen gas  are the attributes that you want to look for when searching for the “best” drinking water.  Check out the HIM machines at www.brilliantz.com .  They sell great H2 products at 50% less than the leading brands as they sell direct to the public and they don’t pay commissions to salespeople.
  4. If you can’t afford specialty drinking water systems, pour tap water into a pitcher and let is sit for about 15 minutes in the open air. The smell and taste will improve as the chlorine will dissipate into the air. If you want to achieve the same result but faster, install a basic carbon filter under your kitchen sink or buy a Brita type filter as they will remove the smell and odor immediately.

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