Please Help Me Make WaterFYI More Effective

Please Help Me Make WaterFYI More Effective

The story and video from Dr. Mercola last Friday could have been a huge blow to the water ionizer industry in North America. Fortunately, we, and by that I mean everyone in …Continue reading »

Thanks for the support: 15,000 hits from 120 countries since March 2010

Thanks for the support: 15,000 hits from 120 countries since March 2010

I started this blog about a year ago as a way to share information about water and water ionizers.  I was still in the water ionizer business at the time …Continue reading »

How Much do You Spend on Drinking Fluids Each Year?

How Much do You Spend on Drinking Fluids Each Year?

I bet you have never considered how much you spend on your fluid intake each year.   I had certainly never thought about it myself.  Why would I think about it?  How much …Continue reading »

What to do When You’re Not Getting Better: Visit a Naturopathic Doctor

What to do When You’re Not Getting Better: Visit a Naturopathic Doctor

My Dad was an “old school” medical doctor in Canada who believed that eating properly, exercising occasionally, getting enough rest, and staying away from prescription medicines, were the key elements to a …Continue reading »

New Hope for Coffee Drinkers

New Hope for Coffee Drinkers

Coffee is the most common drug in America.  Fifty four percent of adult Americans drink coffee to the tune of 146 billion cups per year.    There is an interesting …Continue reading »

How much water should I drink?

How much water should I drink?

I often get asked how much water people should drink.  I did a quick search of the internet looking for an article to refer people to, but I couldn’t find anything that dealt with …Continue reading »

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