What’s In Your Water: The Environmental Working Group Helps

The EWG is a non-profit organization that was founded in 1993 by Ken Cook and Richard Wiles.

The organization has two noble goals. The first is to protect the human population from health problems attributed to toxic contaminants. The other is to replace federal policies that damage the environment and natural resources with policies that invest in conservation and sustainable development. It is not surprising that their website now has over one million subscribers.

My primary interest in supporting the EWG is based upon their work with water, or more specifically, their efforts to promote safe drinking water. You may not know who they are, but they are in the news a lot these days. Their recent study that showed that the municipal tap water from 31 out of 35 cities tested failed to comply to regulations on the cancer causing substance Hexavalent Chromium, aka the “Erin Brockovich” contaminant. Their recent activities also include exposing the fact that most bottled companies don’t provide proper labeling, urging the EPA to reduce the amount of fluoride and perchlorate in municipal water supplies.

The EWG and Water:

The EWG has identified 316 chemicals in U.S. tap water, 202 of which aren’t regulated. They maintain the position that the EPA’s failure to regulate the remaining contaminants from our tap water poses a significant public risk. I agree with them 100%. It is disgraceful that our citizens are consuming up to 200 harmful contaminants in their drinking water without being aware of the fact. I’m trying to do my bit to help. I hope you will at least take the time to learn what you are putting in your body and how it affects you.

How The EWG Can Help You:

The EWG has prepared a data base that identifies the contaminants in 48,000 communities in the USA from 45 States plus the District of Columbia. You can click on the following link to type in your Zip Code and Water supply company to find out what is in your water:


Once you have determined what is in your water, the EWG recommends the appropriate filter. Now this is an organization worth supporting!

The opinions expressed in this article are those of the author.

Still quiet here.sas

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