You have finally convinced yourself that it is time to purchase a water ionizer. Congratulations, you are now part of the less than 1% of people in Canada or the USA that are aware of the benefits that the machines provide. Now it should be easy… Right? …Wrong!
Like many others, you may have been introduced to the water by a Multi Level Marketing representative. Perhaps you learned about the water from a friend, acquaintance, or family member. Maybe you started researching online because you or a loved one is dealing with a disease that needs attention. It doesn’t matter how you got here, as the important thing is that you got to this point.
Chances are that you have already visited several websites to learn about the water. The good news is that there is a lot of information available. The bad news is that virtually all the information available is being brought to you by someone who is trying to sell you something. There is nothing wrong with people trying to sell you things, as our economy is driven by sales. However, when you are looking for information, it can be really annoying to be constantly hit with sales pitch after sales pitch.
So, who do you believe?
Most people start their research with the review sites. People start with these sites because intuitively, it makes sense to begin with comparisons. The review sites are easily accessible because of the huge marketing budgets supporting the sites. People naturally want to take the shortest path to a solution, and the review sites appear to fit the bill. Unfortunately, the review sites are likely the source of your confusion.
The seemingly “independent” review sites are not independent at all. The sites are carefully scripted marketing tools that direct you in a subtle (and sometimes not so subtle) way towards helping you select a specific product. As a consumer, it is easy to be fooled by these sites into thinking that a certain brand is the best. The confusion starts when you investigate more than one of the review sites, as you are left shaking your head and asking yourself “How can the opinions of the different independent sites be so different”. It would be logical to expect that the “best” machine would win on every review site, but don’t forget that there is nothing independent about the sites at all.
So, it you can’t trust the review sites, where should you turn?
It would seem logical to contact companies that sell various brands, as you would expect them to have knowledge of various products. It would also be reasonable to assume that the companies are not biased towards a specific brand because they can make money selling all of the products they carry. Such companies do exist, but based upon my research, it is more likely that you will be guided by a sales person towards choosing a product that pays the best commissions, or towards a product that the company is trying to clear from its inventory, or trying to meet sales quotas so that they can purchase at lower prices.
Here are 10 Tips to Finding the Right Water Ionizer that I would start with once I have come to the realization that all water ionizers are good for my health, and that there is no such thing as the best water ionizer for all conditions:
1) Decide what factors are most important to you before you begin calling anyone. Are you simply looking for healthy drinking water? If so, you don’t need to buy the expensive models. Do you need your machine to obtain pH values of 11 or more to wash the pesticides off your fruits and vegetables? Do you need your machine to produce really low pH values so that you can use the acidic water as an environmentally friendly disinfectant? Would an under-counter unit best suit your needs? And last but definitely not least, how important is cost?
2) Seek out someone that has experience with testing and using various brands.
3) Search for a person that asks you about your needs rather than telling you about all of the features of the machines they sell. Anybody can read a promotional card from the company that makes a product.
4) Work with someone who is willing to listen, because it is really hard to listen when you are talking all the time.
5) Find a representative that answers your questions directly, or offers to find out the answer, rather than someone who deflects to another topic or is evasive because they don’t know the answer.
6) Find out about your local source water conditions before calling anyone. Otherwise, try to find someone that is familiar with your local source water conditions, or is willing to help you find out about your water
7) Make sure you deal with someone who is knowledgeable about proper filtration. Water ionizers typically don’t provide sufficient filtration for all the chemicals that we find in our water. Your goal should be to obtain the best possible drinking water, and the first step is to optimize the quality of the water entering your water ionizer.
8) Deal with a reputable company that sells reputable brands. Warranty and return policies are not important until you need them.
9) You will be using your machine for many years, so it is important to deal with someone that you trust and feel comfortable working with. While obtaining the best price is important, a good relationship will provide better value over the long term.
10) Once you have determined the right brand for your needs, shop around for the best deal. The industry is relatively new to North America, and that means that most of the brands are over-priced. Don’t be afraid to negotiate.
If you are frustrated by the entire process, you are not alone. I would be happy to answer your questions if you email me and leave me a telephone number where I can contact you. I have a telephone plan that offers free calling in the USA and Canada. I won’t attempt to sell you a water ionizer because I’m not in the business, so all I can offer is free advice. If you start drinking ionized water and share your story with others, that will be my reward.
I don’t provide written recommendations by email, because I don’t want people posting my advice in order to create a business opportunity. Let them do their own research!
As always, the opinions expressed in this article are those of the author. It is advisable to consult your health care provider with any health related issues.
Hi Rob,
Thanks for all the information you have provided here!
Any opinions on the portable travel units such as the Alkapod, H2Go or Biocera Water Jug?
My husband travels frequently (and is an acid reflux sufferer). I was hoping to find a portable alternative for him.
Hi Penny:
I like the portable units for temporary use when proper ionized water is not available. I have actually used one of the portable units while on a vacation in Barbadoes for a few days and the it seemed to be ok.
They provide elevated pH levels and lower ORP levels for a short period of time. They achieve the results by introducing minerals such as calcium and magnesium into the water. While the portable units don’t ionize water through electrolysis and they don’t provide micro clusters, they do have some benefit. I would never purchase a mineral adding device in lieu of a real water ionizer, but in a pinch, why not? However, the devices are fairly new and as a consequence don’t have any track record.
Can I get your phone number so I can call you with a couple questions?
Hi John:
I would be happy to call you and answer your questions to the best of my ability. Please send me an email to, as it will bypass this site.
Hi Rob, Thank you for your site. I have been researching alkalizing/ionizing water machines and am now totally confused. Can you please help me choose the right machine for me. I live in Bali, Indonesia where the electricity is 220. It would be very costly to have to have the machine shipped here, so I would like a friend to pick one up in the States to bring to me. I was first turned onto one of these machines at a friend’s house. I stayed with her for one week and drank her alkalized water every day. I was amazed at the difference in my energy levels, overall good feeling and other benefits. It would be great if there was a feature to clean organic vegetables as well as give health benefits or making the body less acidic. I have a Balinese friend who has had serious health issues (brain tumor) and would like to get them on the water as well as using it myself. Can you please recommend a good machine that is not too expensive and does what I need. Is there a cheaper version of Kangen or Enagic? What can you tell me about MRET? Thank you so much for all your advice and help in this matter. Best Regards, Mary
Hi Mary Lee:
Thanks for the tip on MRET. I checked into it a bit tonight and it sounds interesting. I won’t comment on the subject because I honestly don’t know anything about it other that what I read. I will look into it on a deeper level when time permits.
I feel very comfortable in referring you to a gentleman in Australia who sells water ionizers. He sells machines in your part of the world and they have a lot of respect for his integrity and he has become a Skype friend over the years during our discussions about water. He sells Chanson machines which are good. I honestly don’t think it really matters which brand you buy as there are many good brands on the market. I think it is much more important to deal with someone with integrity that you can trust and Jody fits the bill. I have sent him a copy of your message and I expect you will be hearing from him shortly.
Im looking into buying a machine, wondering about Ionway and the Engaic machine which you suggest? I have done quite a few researches but still dont no!
Hi Zonia:
I would begin by asking myself what you are trying to achieve by purchasing a machine. Are you trying to repair a health issue such as cancer or are you trying to slowly improve or maintain your health.
If you have severe health issues, I would purchase an electric water ionizer. There is no need to pay more than $1,000 to $1,500 for a top performing electric water ionizer. If you have good source water, you can buy a 5 plate, 80 Watt Jupiter Venus for about $700. If you are willing to spend $4,000 on an Enagic, go for it, but don’t expect it to perform any better than any of the other leading brands unless you are going to be producing massive amounts of ionized water (such as in a clinic).
If you want to improve or maintain your health, I would try a non-electric water ionizer. Take a look at the Vitev FLO, which is made in America and sells for $379. The unit has far superior filtering capabilities to the electric machines and they ionize like crazy.
Hi Rob
I have digestive problems arthritus my husband has COPD, so im looking for a machine for health problems. I was checking out the Athena at Ionways, but u dont seem that fond of the company. definately cant afford a enagic , also agree that they havent made any new changes. could u please tell me where is the Athena made , does it come from korea, r they a good machine , need your opinion!! have done alot of research and im totally mixed up. I do no the water has helped me as IM drinking water from a lady that owns enagic machie , sure saw the difference when I stopped, Please Help Is there a big differnce from the melody and the athena machine?
Hi Zonia:
I don’t have any issues with the IonWays products or Enagic products. In fact, I know for certain that they both work. My frustration is based upon the high prices that people have to pay to purchase the machines. I understand the companies need huge price markups in our society in order to pay all the different levels (whether it be direct selling like MLM or the standard retail driven distribution system). However, I’m always looking for value and I think people can find much better value if they are willing to work at it.
If you can afford either machine and the brand name gives you comfort, then go for it. If you want better value, hopefully I can help.
IonWays has traditionally bought their products from EmcoTech out of Korea. They tried producing a non-electric machine made in the USA a couple of years ago but their effort was a dismal failure. They also buy AlkaPods out of China. Enagic obtains their equipment from the their own plant in Japan. Enagic purchased the production capability for the Japanese made Pure Port II machine produced by Toyo in 2001 and started selling marketing the machine in the fall of 2004. I wouldn’t pay a premium for a Japanese made machine over a Korean made machine as the Koreans make very high quality products for many different products. I would stay away from Chinese made products and would definitely pay a premium for American made products for a variety of reasons including quality, safety, after sales support, and to provide for badly needed jobs in America.
If you are going to purchase an EmcoTech product, I would buy a Jupiter Venus instead of a Melody or an Athena. Why? The Melody and the Venus are basically the same machine except that the Venus is a lot less money (check out for the best deal I have found). I just don’t see the point of spending $1600 for a Melody or $2,000 for an Athena when a brand new Venus can be bought for as low as $695 at the site above.
I would also consider a non-electric machine (see as they sell a great product called the FLO for $379. It is hard for a lot of people to get their heads around the fact that a $379 can be better than a $3,980 machine, but it is true for many applications.
thank you for all your info , very much appreciated. I did check out the Venus its 1200.00 Where did u find it for 600 and some dollars, another question where is it made , how do u no which models r made in china? Most them dont say, Im looking for a good machine for average price. Im not stuck on ionways or enagic, just looking for a good repitable companyand reasonable pricing.Sorry for being such a pest I just want a good machine!!
Thank u so much!!
Hi Zonia:
The company I referred you to has to publish list prices as per the wishes of IonWays. If you contact the company directly, I’m sure they will work with you, as will many other companies
Hi Rob
I have recently been diagnosed with thyroid cancer and am looking to purchase an alkaline machine. Why is the electric versions better for a cancer patient than the vitev flo? My husband also has digestive issues and I’m looking for better health for both of us.
Hi Diane:
I have believed for some time that non-electric water ionizers are superior to electric water ionizers except when dealing with active cancer. My belief has been based upon the work of Dr. Robert O. Young who treats cancer patients with alkaline water that has extremely negative ORP as an alternative to chemotherapy. The original non-electric unit that I was familiar with (the AlkaStream) didn’t produce such extreme negative ORP values, so it seems logical to use an electric unit when combatting cancer naturally.
I recently installed a Vitev Under Counter Flo in the kitchen of my new home. I haven’t measured the pH or ORP yet, but I have never seen anything like it when it comes to producing hydrogen bubbles in the first few weeks. I do know that the water turns the pH drops a deep purple, so I suspect it is producing a strong negative ORP. After a few weeks, the purple color starts to weaken and the color of begins to turn blue. I love that process for healthy people because I don’t think we should be drinking strong alkaline water on an ongoing basis. A “cleansing” every six months or so followed by regular consumption of alkaline water in the 8-9 range makes more sense to me.
These days, if someone I loved had been diagnosed with cancer, I would recommend the Vitev Ultra because it really cranks out impressive number for a long time. In fact, I believe the Ultra makes the best man made drinking water in the world. The Ultra can be purchased with a dual tap that allows you to mix alkaline water with acidic water to adjust the pH. The system does not provide as precise pre-set pH levels as an electric water ionizer, but the “clean” factor far outweights the precision of the pH selection imo. I chose to work with Vitev recently because their products are so effective and affordable. Therefore, I insist on revealing my relationship with Vitev each and every time I write about their products.
Hi Rob,
Does this mean that I should get this machine for Sparky instead of the EOS Platinum? Will it be just as good to deal with the cancer as the Platinum?
Thanks for your input.
Hi Barbara:
I don’t think anyone is qualified to say which is the best machine. In fact, I don’t there is any such thing as the best machine.
What I do know, or at least I think I know is that the best drinking water is clean and healthy/energized. I think the Vitev Ultra makes the best man made drinking water in the world because the machine does both…really well….for $995. The test results for both cleaning and ionizing the water are outstanding. That is why I decided to help Vitev by lending a hand.
Hi Rob,
I had been exclusively drinking (for many years now) RO water sourced from my Culligan salt-based water softener (very poor quality raw well water). RO TDS is thus quite low, and the PH is acidic. I only recently discovered the health implications of resultant cellular demineralization (had a heart attack 2 years ago, and blood work at the time showed severe mineral deficiencies), and would like to re-mineralize my RO supply toward the recommended WHO report standards. I have been looking at the Vitev REMIN add-on cartridge, and like the simplicity of that unit as a way to raise PH and add hardness, plus the raising of ORP is an attractive feature also, though not mentioned in the WHO report (novel theory to me also). But, TDS and a wider mineral spectrum (as in what I’m drinking now with expensive bottled spring water) may not be adequate from that device. Do you have any suggestions?
Hi Daniel:
The timing of your question is interesting for me because I have been working on an article about optimal levels of Ca and Mg in water. Generally, I don’t find the recommendations from the WHO to be particularly relevant in many cases when it comes to source water from countries with well developed infrastructures. However, they are bang on about the harmful side effects of drinking RO water that hasn’t been remineralized.
The WHO has referenced a number of studies about Ca and Mg. Here is what I have been looking at:
1) For magnesium, a minimum of 10 mg/l (Novikov et al. 1983; Rubenowitz et al. 2000) and an optimum of about 20-30 mg/l (Durlach et al. 1989;
Kozisek 1992);
2) For calcium, a minimum of 20 mg/l (Novikov et al. 1983) and an optimum of about 50 (40-80) mg/l (Rakhmanin et al. 1990; Kozisek 1992);
3) For total water hardness, the sum of calcium and magnesium should be 2 to 4 mmol/l (Plitman et al. 1989; Lutai 1992; Muzalevskaya et al. 1993;
Golubev and Zimin 1994)
Durlach (1989) et all recommend 20-30 ppm of Magnesium while Rakhmanin et all recommend 50 ppm for Calcium (1992). Golubev and Zimm reccomended an optimal range of the combination of Ca and Mg to be 80-160ppm (1994) (note that 1mmol/l = 40ppm).
Here is what I find interesting from the above studies:
1) The studies are all about 20 years old. It seems odd to me that a powerful organization bases today’s standards on twenty year old studies.
2) Assuming that the research hasn’t been updated because nobody has tested or disputed the results, it seems like 25ppm of Mg and 50ppm of Ca could be optimal. However, Golubev and Zimm recommend a range of 80 to 160 ppm for the combination. Based upon the studies, it seem safe to assume that a number of 80ppm of Ca and Mg seems to be optimal with up to double that amount being acceptable
When I did my initial research on the Vitev Remin filter in conjuction with their RO system, I learned that the RO part of the system took the TDS of the source water (which had a high TDS) down to 22ppm. When the Remin was hooked up and the TDS was remeasured, the TDS increased to 108. Since the Remin adds Ca and Mg, I would assume that the Remin is adding about 86 ppm of Ca and Mg.
TDS is a totally different measure because it includes all of the Total Dissolved Solids in the water. That means TDS can and usually does contain much more than Ca and Mg. For example, fecal matter and dirt and heavy metals etc are typically found in source water in minute amounts. Therefore, I don’t find TDS to be particularly relevant unless you have before and after measures such as those I found while investigating the Vitev Remin filter.
ORP is a measure of the electrical charge or conductivity of a liquid expressed in millivolts. One of the problems in assessing ORP is that the level changes with every measure and it deteriorates over time (rapidly with output from electric water ionizers and less rapidly with natural water ionizers).
While the water ionizer industry makes a big deal of “how low their ORP numbers go”, I think that once again, the industry doesn’t have a clue as to what is important. The industry clings to anything that can be measured and electrical conductivity can be measured. I have talked to so many people about ORP and like economists, everyone has an opinion. The engineers that I talked to in Korea say that the Japanese scientists who started all of this recomment drinking water over a long term basis with an ORP of -50 and to refrain from drinking water with an ORP lower than -400. Dr. Robert Young recommends drinking water at -800 ORP as a protocol for cancer patients in lieu of chemo treatments. Everything I have read does recommend drinking water with a negative ORP, but there is no concensus on the actual number.
My gut tells me that an ORP level of -180 to -200 makes sense because that is the level of an orange while it is still on the tree. I like that level because I don’t think Mother Nature has a marketing agenda.
“When I did my initial research on the Vitev Remin filter in conjuction with their RO system, I learned that the RO part of the system took the TDS of the source water (which had a high TDS) down to 22ppm. When the Remin was hooked up and the TDS was remeasured, the TDS increased to 108. Since the Remin adds Ca and Mg, I would assume that the Remin is adding about 86 ppm of Ca and Mg.”
Thanks Rob,
I have been attempting (so far unsuccessfully) to obtain before & after complete lab analysis data from Vitev, as their REMIN cartridge would seem to be the best solution for me since it is 1/8th the cost of glass-bottled Mountain Valley spring water (2 year product life), and I could hook it up to my fridge’s ice-maker/dispenser. Though (as you imply) the target #s are largely still a matter of opinion, if you are happy with that company I will likely install the REMIN regardless as there seems to be no viable competing product, and the better mineral content of bottled water may not justify the expense without hard data to reference.
Hi Daniael:
I understand that Vitev is in the process of having official independent lab testing done. On the surface, this process seems easy, but I have learned from a negative experience with Alkastream that the tests have to be set and conducted properly or else the results can easily mislead. The guys at Vitev are going way out of their way to be “good guys” and do it right in all aspects of their business….that is why I have agreed to help them.
Hi Rob.
Installed the Vitev REMIN on my RO system (new: pre & post filters, 15 GPD membrane, and 3.2G tank). Old 30 GPD membrane was still producing 0 TDS/pH 6 (softened source) when I tossed it, so new test results of 120 TDS/pH9 would indicate the REMIN is functioning better than expected. Went to a slower membrane (and smaller tank) in the hope of extending absorption/contact time, which might explain why my REMIN TDS #s are higher than yours (?).
P.S. Was disappointed that the link re: Bill Clinton’s vegan diet regimen didn’t mention alkaline drinking water. I’ll bet (since he is from Arkansas and can afford it), he likely drinks Mountain Valley. Do you have any data on that?
Hi Daniel:
First off, thank you for providing the link to the WHO position paper on the dangers of drinking demineralized (RO) water. Many of the ideas for articles on my blog have come from questions or suggestions provided by readers.
Your 120 TDS and 9.0 pH results are awesome.
A 9.0 pH is great imo. The companies telling you to buy their machines based upon pH levels of 10 to 11 are nuts because I don’t think anybody should ever drink water that is that strong unless they are trying to recover from lactic acid buildup, or fighting off cancer naturally instead of with chemo.
If the new membrane is still produce 0 TDS, it likely means that your Ca and Mg contents are probably not far off 80 and 40 ppm respectively. If you have read the WHO report, those number should make you smile
Hi again Rob,
Turns out my 20 year old membrane housing was cracked & leaking (also sucking air), so I replaced it (along with the original flow restrictor, check valves, shutoff valve, etc.) and repeated all the testing after the system was run for a week of normal use. I am now getting only 70 ppm on the dissolved solids meter (freshly calibrated), though the pH is still holding at 9 (incidentally, test strips indicate 200 ppm of alkalinity, but hardness is zero). So, either the cracked housing’s poor membrane seal was contaminating the RO product with raw (but softened) well water, thus raising the ppm reading, OR the REMIN’s minerals are washing out more quickly than expected (?). If indeed the the calcium & magnesium levels are as low as the meter indicates, I am mystified re: the high pH & alkalinity. Testing was done with the storage tank only part full, so I will repeat again when full to rule that out as a relevant factor.
Your thoughts?
Hi Daniel:
You are fearless.
Depending upon your source water, 70 ppm would indicate that you are probably getting 50 ppm to 60 ppm of hardness as the water coming through a functioning membrane will likely be 10 ppm to 20 ppm.
I never use test strips because they are not reliable. Your strips indicate 200 ppm of alkalinity but zero hardness and your pH is at 9.0….that just doesn’t make sense.
If you are getting a 9.0 pH reading off your RO system, the remin filter is kicking butt because the water coming through the membrane will have a pH in the range of 5.0 to 5.7 if the membranes is functioning properly.
Hi Rob,
I’m in the UK and looking to buy a Vitev FLO to promote general good health for me and my family (two young kids). We already eat reasonably well and regularly juice organic fruit and veg, but having started some research I’m concerned about the quality of our tap water and the long-term effects of drinking and cooking with it. At least, we don’t have fluoride in the water in this part of London.
My problem is that I can’t find anywhere that sells, or will ship, Vitev products to UK. Do you know of any companies that do, or could you recommend an alternative product that I can purchase here? My budget would be around £400.
Many thanks,
Hi BG:
You can contact Vitev in the USA as they ship all over world ( They recently dropped their price from US$399 to US$249. I think they charge about US$50 for shipping which would bring your cost in around half of your budget. I would recommend ordering extra filters as they probably wouldn’t charge any more for shipping the extra filters with the Flo.
I am looking to buy a whole unit for my RV. I contacted Vitev and they do have drinking water systems, but they don’t provide systems for treating water before it actually enters the plumbing where a lot of damage is caused to those areas. Anyone with information on how I can solve this problem while getting healthy water for showering and drinking.
Dear Penny,
I am looking for a Alkaline water Ionizer.
Why am I looking for this: I want to use it for the high PH water (for drinking) and the high PH water for sterilizing.
I myself have vague health problems but I am really looking for my son (he is autistic). He lives away from home and after years of bad health and much medication we have finally gotten him off his medication (something his doctor was initially against).
Since February I have asked his home to give him a combo of Krill oil and Multivitamins and he is slowly starting to improve.
For the next step I want to use this apparatus but don’t know what to pick. I have checked comparison sites and see that both Bawell Platinum water Ionizer and the Klangen leveluk SD501 seem to have the same qualities.
I have a couple of problems: I live in the Netherlands (Europe) and I heard that the Bawell Platinum company is not BBB Accredited Business. Yet on another site I see that it is.
Can you help me?
PS – Thanks for listening/reading this message.
Hi Marjorie:
I would not recommend an alkaline water ionizer because there is a huge amount of evidence that many of the claims made by the alkaline water industry are false. The story about cancer not being able to survive in an alkaline body is false. The claims about microclustering are false. The claims about alkaline water making your body alkaline are false. I can go on and on, but I think you get the message.
So, if the alkaline water story is a hoax, why are there so many anecdotal stories about the water helping people? The answer is that one of the byproducts of making alkaline water is hydrogen gas which is responsible for all the health benefits that the alkaline water industry falsely claims takes credit for. How do I know? There are now more than 700 independent scientific studies and peer reviews that support the fact that hydrogen gas has been shown to be beneficial to more than 170 human diseases. By comparison, the scientific and medical communities never supported the alkaline water story (other than one medical doctor who admitted in court documents that he was paid a significant amount of money to support the alkaline story.
I have been writing this blog for 7 years. I have supported a number of companies over the years who I thought were doing a good job, but I have never joined any companies other than as a short consultant to help them with product testing and development. I recently joined Brilliantz (see because they sell brilliant products are very reasonable prices and they focus on their customers. I leave myself wide open to the skepticism of those who want to believe that everyone and everything is a scam, but I’m ok with that.
As far as the claims about Barwell and all of the other alkaline ionizer products on the market, please ignore the games that people play. All of the alkaline water ionizers do pretty much the same thing, which is that they make alkaline water. Unfortunately, alkaline water is no better for you than tap water.