The following study was performed at the Human Performance Laboratory, Department of Health & Human Development, H&PE Complex, Hoseaus Rm 121, Montana State University, Bozeman, MT USA. The study was published September 13, 2010 in the Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition.
You can see the entire study at the following link:
The study titled: “Acid-base balance and hydration status following consumption of mineral-based alkaline bottled water” was conducted to test if mineral enriched bottled water could improve the acid/alkaline balance and hydration status of healthy young adults.
The study consisted of a Control group of 19 healthy young men and women and an Experimental group of 19 healthy young men and women under free living conditions. normal living activities. The Control group drank regular bottled water over a 4 week period and the Experimental group drank regular bottled water during weeks 1 and 4 and the mineral enriched water during weeks 2 and 3.
The RESULTS published in the study showed: “There were no significant changes in any of the dependent variables for the Control group. The Experimental group, however, showed significant increases in both the blood and urine pH (6.23 to 7.07 and 7.52 to 7.69, respectively), a decreased blood and increased urine osmolality, and a decreased urine output (2.51 to 2.05 L/day), all during the second week of the treatment period (P < 0.05). Further, these changes reversed for the Experimental group once subjects switched to the placebo water during the 4th week.
The CONCLUSIONS of the study were: Consumption of Alkaline water was associated with improved acid-base balance (i.e., an alkalization of the blood and urine) and hydration status when consumed under free-living conditions. In contrast, subjects who consumed the placebo bottled water showed no changes over the same period of time. These results indicate that the habitual consumption of Alkaline water may be a valuable nutritional vector for influencing both acid-base balance and hydration status in healthy adults.
My thoughts about the study:
The study was funded by the Glacier Water company, who bottle water from a glacial spring from a mountain in Washington and then add drops to boost thE Ph. This fact is not a bad thing as companies sponsor studies all the time…how do you think we get all the “not so marvelous” drugs that are everywhere in our society.
Positives: The study did show a statistical improvement in the pH of blood, urine, and hydration status over the test period for the Exprimental group.
Negatives: The sample size of the study was small, the duration of the study was short, and there were numerous uncontrolled factors. Perhaps the results of the study indicated that the pH of the blood increased from 7.52 to 7.69, but the author of the report definitely messed up when he reported that the pH of the blood increased from 6.23 to 7.07. If the subjects started with a blood pH level of 6.23, they would be dead. I imagine the error was just a reporting error, but it has to make you wonder about the controls in place for the study when the reporting of the study is wrong.
I appreciate the fact that a water company funded the study and the results were statistically viable. However, we need much better studies to be performed to be able to show the world statistically what we already know to be the truth from massive anecdotal evidence.