Erectile Dysfunction and Ionized Water

Erectile Dysfunction and Ionized Water

I never saw the day coming when I thought I would be writing about Erectile Dysfunction. The subject never occurred to me and nobody ever talks about it…ever! Statistics indicate …Continue reading »

Chemotherapy Doesn’t Work For Cancer

Chemotherapy Doesn’t Work For Cancer

The doctor of the future will give no medicine, but will interest his patients in the care of the human body, in diet, and in the cause and prevention of …Continue reading »

Cancer: Should You Buy A Water Ionizer?

Cancer: Should You Buy A Water Ionizer?

I hope you are reading this article before you or a loved one has been diagnosed with cancer. After all, the best way to beat cancer is to avoid getting …Continue reading »

Live Chat: Anonymous Learning

Live Chat: Anonymous Learning

I receive emails all the time asking me which water ioinizer I recommend. I always respond with the same answer: “It depends upon your needs”. Everyone has individual needs and …Continue reading »

“Disconnect” Movie: Exposing The Cell Phone Radiation Cover Up

“Disconnect” Movie: Exposing The Cell Phone Radiation Cover Up

When you watch the speech by Aaron Eckhart’s character to the Telco industry boys in the trailer to the new documentary “Disconnect” below, you can’t help but think about how …Continue reading »

How Much Water Should You Drink?

How Much Water Should You Drink?

I continue to receive questions about how much water you should drink. I wrote a long detailed article about this issue in the past, but it is worth mentioning again…but …Continue reading »

What Is Good Health Worth?

What Is Good Health Worth?

I have always been a “value guy” when it comes to purchasing anything. What does that mean? To me, it means that the object that I’m considering purchasing offers more …Continue reading »

EU Bans Claims That Water Can Prevent Dehydration….Huh?

EU Bans Claims That Water Can Prevent Dehydration….Huh?

I don’t like picking on anybody ….well, maybe with the exception of the water ionizer companies that don’t play fair…but that is only because somebody has to keep the bad …Continue reading »

Telco’s Are Hiding the Truth

Telco’s Are Hiding the Truth

Everybody who follows my blog knows I’m a water guy. I can’t see that ever changing, but I have to admit that my attention these days is focused on the …Continue reading »

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