10 Tips to Finding the Right Water Ionizer for your Needs and Budget

10 Tips to Finding the Right Water Ionizer for your Needs and Budget

You have finally convinced yourself that it is time to purchase a water ionizer.  Congratulations, you are now part of the less than 1% of people in Canada or the …Continue reading »

Dealing with Fibromyalgia with Alkaline Foods and Water

Dealing with Fibromyalgia with Alkaline Foods and Water

Fibromyalgia is a pain…..literally.  It has been described to me by sufferers as “arthritis on steroids”.  The disease is not a killer, but it certainly makes life miserable for the …Continue reading »

New Hope for Coffee Drinkers

New Hope for Coffee Drinkers

Coffee is the most common drug in America.  Fifty four percent of adult Americans drink coffee to the tune of 146 billion cups per year.    There is an interesting …Continue reading »

Weight Loss: The Natural Way

Weight Loss: The Natural Way

Weight loss….the multi-billion dollar industry, and the subject on the minds of so many of us! When did the overweight condition get to be so rampant in our society?  I …Continue reading »

The pH Debate

The pH Debate

There is a tremendous amount of information about water ionizers on the internet.  Most of what you read is marketing hype, and virtually all of the “good stuff” is borrowed …Continue reading »

Ten Things You Should Know About Water Ionizers

Ten Things You Should Know About Water Ionizers

Slowly but surely, people are discovering the benefits of drinking alkaline ionized water.   Most of us take our health for granted until something goes wrong, so most inquiries about the …Continue reading »

How much water should I drink?

How much water should I drink?

I often get asked how much water people should drink.  I did a quick search of the internet looking for an article to refer people to, but I couldn’t find anything that dealt with …Continue reading »

Is your drinking water safe?

Is your drinking water safe?

I receive a lot of inquiries about source water.  People are concerned about contaminants in their water.  Some of the fears that I hear are unfounded, but many are real. This …Continue reading »

The Story Behind the Alkaline Water Quackwatcher

The Story Behind the Alkaline Water Quackwatcher

I spent a long time in the past working on debunking the alkaline water ionizer quackwatcher Dr. Steven Lower (PhD in chemistry). Why? At the time, I was drinking the alkaline …Continue reading »

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