Want to lose weight? Water Helps!

Want to lose weight? Water Helps!

The following link is a link to an article and three video clips taken from CTV news in Canada.  CTV is the leading national television networks in the country:  http://toronto.ctv.ca/servlet/an/local/CTVNews/20100823/water-diet-100823/20100823/?hub=TorontoNewHome .  The videos …Continue reading »

Suffering from Constipation?  Molecular Hydrogen (H2) Will Help

Suffering from Constipation? Molecular Hydrogen (H2) Will Help

When I first started this blog, I wanted to let people know how ionized water had helped me with my arthritis and acid reflux. I also wanted to share the …Continue reading »

An Invitation to Enagic Dealers

An Invitation to Enagic Dealers

I operate this blog as an independent voice in support of the entire water ionizer industry.  I don’t own shares in any company in the water ionizer industry and I don’t get paid for …Continue reading »

Tap Water: Legal but Unhealthy “New York Times”

Tap Water: Legal but Unhealthy “New York Times”

One of our readers (thanks Adam) sent me an article from the New York Times the other day.   The article presents some disturbing facts about the water that we drink.  The …Continue reading »

Water Ionizers: Invest Your Time in the Person, not the Brand

Water Ionizers: Invest Your Time in the Person, not the Brand

Whether it’s kharma, research, or just blind luck, you have found your way here.  I will do my best to make it worth your time.  Hopefully this article will shed some light on …Continue reading »

When will you notice your health improving after you start drinking alkaline water?

When will you notice your health improving after you start drinking alkaline water?

Water ionizers provide incredible benefits to the people that drink water from these simple machines.  Some see significant benefits right away, while it takes months for others to notice a difference at all.  Regardless …Continue reading »

Are Water Ionizers a Gimmick?

Are Water Ionizers a Gimmick?

The answer as to whether alkaline water ionizers are a gimmick is both Yes and No. Yes, they are a gimmick in that there is zero medical or scientific evidence …Continue reading »

Thanks for the support: 15,000 hits from 120 countries since March 2010

Thanks for the support: 15,000 hits from 120 countries since March 2010

I started this blog about a year ago as a way to share information about water and water ionizers.  I was still in the water ionizer business at the time …Continue reading »

How Much do You Spend on Drinking Fluids Each Year?

How Much do You Spend on Drinking Fluids Each Year?

I bet you have never considered how much you spend on your fluid intake each year.   I had certainly never thought about it myself.  Why would I think about it?  How much …Continue reading »

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