Sad News… Sang Whang: 1931 – 2011

The water industry lost one of its pioneers and innovators on January 24, 2011.

Mr. Whang was best known for his wonderful book “Reverse Aging” which focused on the benefits of Alkaline Water. The book is a “must read” for anyone interested in how to improve your health and slow down or even reverse the aging process through proper hydration.

Mr. Whang owned a company called Alkalife, whose featured product was a medicine style dropper bottle containing mineral water. Customers would add drops of the mineral water to their drinking water in order to induce natural ionization (a precursor to the hydrogen sticks and later to the antioxidant filters).

You can read an article that I wrote some time ago about Mr. Whang’s thoughts on alkaline water and cancer here:

I’m grateful for the words and wisdom of Mr. Whang.

13 Responses to Sad News… Sang Whang: 1931 – 2011

  1. I met Sang Whang when I invited him to stay with us here in Byron Bay Australia. he gave a lecture to a woefully small number of people who came to our home in response to an ad I ran in the local paper. I decided to record it and the result was the first ever video I made. His lecture is immortalized on DVD and is still the best lecture I have heard on alkalizing. Sang wasn’t just intelligent; he was funny, he knew his subject and he believed in what he was saying; a rare triple whammy that made this diminutive Korean American with the cheeky grin a force to be reckoned with. I remember that Dr Gerry Brady came to listen and spent time with Sang before his lecture. Gerry is highly committed to alkaline theory and has done heaps of his own research. Gerry commented after talking with Sang: ‘This man has a diamond tipped mind!”

    Sang, I wish there were a hundred more from where you sprang from. To Josephine, his widow, thank you for sharing Sang’s presence! he is sorely missed.


  2. Just curious how this man lived and also how he died. We are all going to pass at some point in time however this man was responsible for the extension of many lives and his work will live on through the advancement of this technology. We have noticed the ability to work harder and recover faster using ionized water as a key factor in our daily life.

    • Hi Lashee:

      Sang Whang died at age 82 after a long period of time dealing with Hepatitis B.

      You can read about him on Wikipedia.

      Thanks for reporting about your increased energy level. Many people experience the same lift in energy, especially when they first start drinking the water.

  3. Thank you, Rob for this posting. This is the first I have heard about his passing and it is a sad moment for me. He and his book, “Reverse Aging” is the reason I am so involved in the alternative health field, but also an avid believer in ionized alkaline water. I would love to get that DVD that Ian mentioned in his post above and I’ll be sure to search it out. Thank you Ian, for mentioning Gerry as well.

    My condolences to his family and loved ones…his legacy will live on.

    In Respect and Humbleness,

    • Hi Brad:

      Thanks for stopping in. I have been following your news letters for a couple of years and I congratulate you on your ongoing efforts to educate others.

      • Hey, Rob,

        That is truly a compliment coming from you and much appreciated. I’m doing some changes which I hope to get done in the next few months that I believe will improve things on the web side of the house. Plus, my wife is expecting child number 4 in about six months! Time has been short on my end because life sure gets in the way and that is why I’m so glad to see you are so active and helping people.

        It’s a lot of effort and time.

        Keep up the brilliant work!

        • Hi Brad:

          Expecting child number 4. No wonder you are busy. Finding balance in life is tricky at the best of times. Being a Dad, and a husband, and a provider leaves very little time for introspection and personal growth. Creating a schedule that allows for health and fitness is even more difficult.

          My blog is my hobby and one of my many passions. Thanks for contributing. If you ever want to post an article, feel free as you have a gift that I’m sure many would appreciate.

          Good luck to you and your wife with the upcoming birth of your child.

  4. I have been drinking alkaline water after reading Sang Whang’s book in year 2005. He kindly replied my emails 3 years ago and agreed to visit Singapore. He sounded like a humble and learned guy. Wonder what was the cause of his death?

    • Sang died of diabetes; a disease that plagued him for many years. I have posted his Byron Bay talk on YouTube. Just go to Youtube and search for Sang Whang

      • What was the cause of death ? Reading on post…. “Sang Whang died at age 82 after a long period of time dealing with Hepatitis B.”….???

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